The snow & the pup

Last night the snow fell. The kind of snow I’ve been waiting for – fat, heavy, beautiful clumps of snow, they were flopping down as if tired of their long journey. I was hoping we’d get it, so Cooper could experience the snow. Not just the frost, which he loved, but the snow.

As soon as the ground turned white, we run into the garden – me, all happy and high pitched, and Coop – totally bonkers! He simply did not know what to do with himself. He tasted the snow. Rolled in it. Dipped his happy little face as deep as possible. And got so drenched I had to blow dry him. Twice. In one evening.

We run and jumped around our tiny garden like two happy hippos until the snow melted into slippery nothings. Such a shame it didn’t last. Just like some other precious things I wish would stay just a little bit longer if not forever.