Fashion guide to walking your dog in style | Autumn edition

Yes, the style part of the blog is back. And hopefully back for good. I had so many requests that I simply could not sit back, wave and say “No”. You want it. I love it. So it’s decided. Dog mums, this is for you.

I’ll start with an outfit that very much resembles what I am currently wearing to stay cosy. It’s my idea of feeling good with minimum effort because early morning walks are not the time when I want to think too much about dressing up. All I want is to keep my eyes open, stay upright and awake, and find enough energy to (literally) pull on a few pieces of clothes, ideally no buttons, dot a drop of perfume because it smells particularly lovely when the air is frosty, and head out to entertain my pups.

I included two pairs of gloves. The leather ones are a style steal and perfect when you are leisurely wandering with your spaniel on tow. The fingerless pair will keep your hands warm when you are training and using rewards or want to take photos.

an idea for dog walking outfit in style including layering with wool coat, sweater, pull on trousers, scarf and pompom hat. Featuring Vince sweater, H&M coat, Reiss accessories, wool scarf, Dr Martens boots, natural organic make-up, Le Labo perfumes, and Mango leather bag with gold buckle. Created and shared on Perfect cocker spaniel blog / UK website about English cocker spaniels, puppy tips, dog nutrition, diet, training and grooming by Natalia Ashton (C) UK-based canine nutritionist, small animal nutritionist, pet nutrition coach, food stylist and photographer, dog mum, author of Perfect cocker spaniel, Beyond the Doughnut and Treats.

Shop: Sweater | Trousers | Boots | Hat | Scarf | Lip balm | Perfume | Coat | Bag | Gloves | Gloves

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